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8 things Galaxy Note 7 owners need to know

Samsung S7

Golf Pad GPS and Switching Phones

Did your phone end up on the recall list for the Galaxy Note 7? Getting a new phone is usually exciting, not so much when it's unexpected though.

Many golfers who use the free Golf Pad GPS app for shot tracking, score keeping and as a GPS rangefinder, have questions about switching to a new phone.

The 8 most important things golfers need to know:

  • If you switch to iPhone from Android, the Golf Pad GPS app will still work. It's compatible with Android and Apple devices.

  • Have a Golf Pad account created before switching phones. This will ensure your golf game playing history transfers to the new phone. You can use your email address or social media to create the account.

  • Open the app and log in to your account, using the settings icon. That will bring your history over to the new device. You may need to start a round before your history populates.

  • The Galaxy Note 7 recall is serious! Don't risk it for the sake of brand loyalty. Get your phone replaced!