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5 Simple Tips for Raising Golf-Loving Children

Teaching children to play golf

Golf is not an easy sport since it takes a lot of practice and dedication. Even though it’s been long known as a game of skill and focus, it doesn’t take too much physical strength and prowess. This is one of the reasons it is a fun game for every age to enjoy. Most people think about older players when they think about golf. What most individuals don’t know is that younger kids can enjoy it too.

Golf isn’t just a sport, it is also an art that takes years of skill and discipline. It is a good way of letting your children learn, grow, and develop skills; especially ones that they need for society. This helps groom them to become calm and focused individuals. Golf has long-lasting developmental effects on your children. It’s recommended to let them learn it as early as possible.

If you’re going to be teaching your children golf, it’s best to make it into a fun family activity that you both can enjoy.

Of course, it’s up to the child on whether they’re initially into golf or not, but as a parent, it’s your duty to make sure that they have fun and learn from the game. Eventually, they’ll learn to appreciate it more. It might feel like one of the easiest games out there, but when they complete the challenges, they’ll be clamoring for more!

Tip #1 Introduce golf slowly

In truth, it isn’t that difficult to get your child to try something. However, how they feel about a certain activity isn’t always something you can control. But the way the sport is introduced to them can affect how they feel about it in the long term. When they are first exposed to golf as a rigid, strict and focused game, they are likely to not want to grab a golf club any time soon. Easing them into the game can help make it a fun and enjoyable sport. If you do this, they'll be the ones begging you to bring them to the course.

Tip #2 Teach them to just have fun

As parents, we can’t help but think that our children should be a mini-version of ourselves with the potentials of being Tiger Woods 20-years from now. Of course, it’s also part of our nature that we want our children to achieve such goals. We have to be aware that setting such high expectations for our children can hurt them in the process. We have to remember that golf is a game and at the end of the day, children want to have fun. Having fun is always part of the learning process.

Tip #3 Ease up on the rules

The best teacher in almost every skill that people learn in their lives is experience. Experience is easier when your children are having a good time. For one, they’ll be more motivated to play the game. This will eventually make them more competitive over time. Yetf, however, kids aren’t too keen on the rules and regulations of the game. Which is why it’s best to let them have some hands-on experience. Let them treat it like a game where they should have fun rather than as a hardy discipline.

Moreover, it’s best to leave the technicalities and regulations on the side for a while. Don't let your children feel restricted. Once they’re more motivated and eager to learn more, that’s when you can start introducing technicalities into the picture. But for now, just let them have fun! They are kids, after all.

Tip #4 Let them learn by themselves

We might fashion ourselves as the teacher for our children when they’re playing golf, but in reality, we’re only mentors. The best teacher for your children is themselves!

After all, “experience is the best teacher.” It takes at least 21 days for an average person to learn a habit. If you want your children to learn the skills that they can get from golf, it’s best to let them play for more than 21 days.

Let your children explore and take the lead so that they can have the drive and initiative in their future endeavors. Follow them and let them decide what they want to do when they’re playing golf. Once they’ve recognized you as a playmate, that’s when you can start giving them suggestions on what to do.

Tip #5 Get the right Junior Golf Equipment

Once your kids show a genuine interest in learning golf, get them the right equipment. The right golfing tools are necessary for their safety and learning. There’s a bunch of different golf sets that are all unique and fun to play with. While you don't need to get them a pro set, getting a complete set built for kids is best. There are a bunch of different golfing sets for kids of specific ages. Each set should have the necessary clubs - putters, drivers, a few irons and woods.

Parents shouldn’t be giving their children old golf clubs. Giving your children the appropriate golfing equipment would also help them with their swing. If you give them an old golf club, then there’s a tendency that they’ll lose interest in the game. Kids might encounter a roadblock in their learning if they use old and heavy equipment.

Our Final Piece of Advice

The journey to raising your junior golfer is a long and slow process. An important thing to remember is that children grow and learn at their own pace. Thus, forcing them to do otherwise will only be detrimental to their emotional and psychological well-being.

Ultimately, it’s a game and your children should play golf at their own conditions. They’re still kids; they’re still having fun in the process so it’s best to give them the freedom that they need and deserve. As parents, we tend to think that learning at an early age is the top priority, but this will inadvertently put our children off from the game. The real prize is not learning, winning, or even being competitive; it’s your children’s happiness.

Author Bio:

Bobby Hurst Is the founder of He has been an avid golfer and instructor for over 20 years. He has always been passionate about the sport for as long as he can remember and considers the site as a passion project where he gets to share his love of golf with other avid golfers. He considers golf to be a sport that exercises both the mind and body; which is why you will constantly find him out on the course at least once a week. He enjoys trying out new techniques, and equipment. You can find his golfing tips, and reviews on golfing equipment on his site.

Thanks, Bobby for this great insight on teaching kids how to play golf!